Agents of Hope

Hope and Coaching Psychology with Mark Adams

Tim Cox Season 1 Episode 5

My name is Tim Cox. I am a trainee Educational Psychologist and I am passionate about psychology, hope and society.  This podcast aims to promote hopeful thinking and conversation about positive change in the field of applied educational psychology, education and wider society. If you are interested in the podcast you can subscribe on your podcast streaming platform, follow the 'Agents of Hope' Facebook page or follow me on twitter @timceducation.

Episode #5
In this episode, I speak to Bristol-based, Coaching and Educational Psychologist, Mark Adams. Mark has worked as an EP since the early 2000s and is currently director of Adams Psychology Services (APS). You can follow Mark on Twitter @AdamsPsychology or on his website:

Mark talks about the journey that preceded his career in Educational Psychology, from an A-Level student with an interest in abnormal psychology (which may or may not be related to the Silence of The Lambs) to a career in teaching, his EP training at Bristol and the opportunity to be part of a multi-disciplinary coaching team in Bristol. Mark has been a consistent advocate for the emerging discipline of Coaching Psychology and is convinced that EPs are well placed to explore and implement coaching in their day to day work.

During our discussion, Mark helps me to understand the principles and theory of coaching and coaching psychology. We discuss how one becomes a Coaching Psychologist and how Mark uses the ideas in his work in schools. We discuss whether it can be considered an intervention, as part of a consultation or as an approach in its own right.  We discuss the skills that Mark feels EPs can bring to coaching psychology and how coaching could enhance the work of EPs. We also discuss the nature of hope and how it can be applied to Coaching Psychology. We conclude by answering a question from the Agents of Hope Facebook group about whether Coaching Psychology could be applied to EP work with children and young people directly.

This was a really helpful conversation for me, with Mark's ideas resonating regularly with my view on my role as TEP. I hope you enjoy the episode and if you feel like giving me or Mark some feedback please do on twitter or Facebook.

Recommended Reading

Adams, M. (2015). Coaching psychology in schools: Enhancing performance, development and wellbeing. Routledge.

Adams, M. (2016). Coaching psychology: An approach to practice for educational psychologists. Educational Psychology in Practice, 32(3), 231-244.

Grant, A. M., Green, L. S., & Rynsaardt, J. (2010). Developmental coaching for high school teachers: Executive coaching goes to school. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 62 (3), pp. 151-168.

Lee, J. (2018). We can’t do it just to make them feel good! An exploration into the benefits of coaching in secondary schools. International Coaching Psychology Review, 12 (2), pp. 110-124.

Haidt, J. (2001). The emotional dog and its rational tail: a social intuitionist approach to moral judgment. Psychological review, 108(4), 814.
Chicago |

McGeer, V. (2004). The art of good hope. The annals of the American academy of political and social science, 592(1), 100-127.

Palmer, S., & Whybrow, A. (2008). Coaching psychology: An introduction.

Snyder, C. R. (2002). Hope theory: Rainbows in the mind. Psychological inquiry, 13(4), 249-275.

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