Agents of Hope
Agents of Hope
"We can't just sit with this!" Confronting the challenges of Covid-19 through relationships, innovation and placing the views of children at the centre of our work with Southend EPS.
Episode #10
In this episode, I speak to three current and one former member of the pioneering Southend EPS. My discussion with Kate Boyle, Lauren Baggley, Sarah Wendland and Sarah Sivers centres on the research they carried out into children and young people's views during the lockdown, in Southend. We discuss their approach to, the themes of and outcomes of the research. We also discuss the values that underpin their work as a team, especially their pioneering work online with their Youtube channel 'EP Reach Out'.
It was really inspiring to chat with such a forward-thinking team, working together in harmony and at different stages of their careers, from a TEP embarking on their EP journey, to an established main grade EP. I hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it!
PTMF - https://www.bps.org.uk/power-threat-meaning-framework
SEPS website - http://www.southendlearningnetwork.co.uk/educationalpsychology
EP Reach-Out YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/EducationalPsychologyReachOut
What You Told Us webinar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDajg8jLnok&t=8s
Returning to School Ideas from the Views of Children and Young People https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SAESxUOJVWtIYYnLSFRn1UlstbngOstd1hpclXnZnWk/edit?usp=sharin
Edpych.org blog https://edpsy.org.uk/features/2020/pupil-views-around-the-covid-19-pandemic-an-opportunity-for-change-in-education/
Joint Report with Notts City EPS https://drive.google.com/file/d/18PzxTLFitjbjQR3ijP5GFOpc33I0OJhn/view?usp=sharing
Edpsych.org joint blog https://edpsy.org.uk/blog/2020/advice-to-education-policy-makers-following-covid-19/