Agents of Hope

Challenging the Educational Status Quo with Dr Chris Bagley

Tim Cox Season 2 Episode 5

Series 2 Episode 5

Sponsored by Bethan Elisa Proofreading (@bethanelisa) and Handmade Home by Ruby (

In this episode, I talk to Dr. Chris Bagley,  an Educational Psychologist who works in South Gloucestershire and with the charity State of Mind. 

Chris and I discuss his journey in psychology from coaching young cricketers to supply teaching and finally to training to be an Educational Psychologist. Chris discusses the restrictive nature of the English Education System and the effects he has found it has had on young people. We talk about the Participatory Action Research that he has carried out with the London Based Charity, State of Mind, who recently featured as keynote speakers at the 2021 DECP conference. We then discuss what it means to challenge the status quo and what that means for the role of the EP.  We discuss educational systems in Italy, Portugal, and Finland that are able to take different approaches to the English system to address the needs, wants, and consent of the young people that they serve.  We conclude by discussing what EPs, TEPs, and Educational Professionals can do to challenge the status quo and work with communities to transformative ends. 

Ainscow, M. (2020) “Promoting inclusion and equity in education: lessons from international experiences”

Bagley, C. (2015) “Managed moves: school and local authority staff perceptions of processes, success and challenges”

Bagley, C. (2021) “Alternative Education Provision: An Exclusive English Myth”

Bagley, C. (2020) “Stop discarding troubled students who don't perform - it's destroying children's lives”

Finland: Sabel et al (2011) “Individualized Service Provision in the New Welfare State Lessons from Special Education in Finland”

Italy: Demo, H. (2020) “Inclusive education in Italy: Historical steps, positive developments, and challenges”

Portugal: Alves, I. (2019) “International inspiration and national aspirations: inclusive education in Portugal”

States of Mind:
Breaking the Silence phase 1 - “‘We're not learning, we're memorising’: Read London students' powerful open letter to Ofsted”
Breaking the Silence phase 2 - Student-led research written by Jaspar Khawaja (Trainee EP - Institute of Education, UCL), co-analysed with young people
Quantitative data analysis - “The impact of school on young people's mental health: a UCL doctoral student shares his findings”

Qualitative data analysis - “Schools are prioritising academic achievement over wellbeing and growth. Young people want to know why”

Breaking the silence phase 3 - “What would an education inspection look like if students did the inspect

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