Agents of Hope
Agents of Hope
Dyslexia, hope and supporting learners with reading difficulties with Professor Joe Elliott, hosted by Dr Nazam Hussain
I had a conversation with Professor Joe Elliott, Durham University, and Principal of Collingwood College, because of my interest in supporting children and young people with reading and spelling difficulties.
In this talk, Joe and I discuss; the challenges of identifying dyslexia using pre-defined
criteria, highlight factors that maintain the need for a diagnosis of dyslexia, and explore the role of intelligence tests. We finish the conversation with the role of the educational psychologist and how to instill hope to support all learners with reading and spelling difficulties.
I hope you enjoy the talk!
Dr Nazam Hussain (Educational Psychologist)
See below for links to references discussed in the talk.
Elliott, J.G. (2020) It’s time to get scientific about dyslexia. Reading Research Quarterly, 55(1),
61—75. https://ila.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rrq.333
Elliott, J.G, & Grigorenko, E.L. (2014). Dyslexia Debate. Cambridge. UK: Cambridge University
Elliot, J.G, & Gibb, S. (2008) Does dyslexia exist? Journal of Philosophy of Education, 42 (3-4),
475-491 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227704059_Does_Dyslexia_Exist
Guardian Article by Sirin Kale on 17 September 2020.
Vellutino, F., Fletcher, J., Snowling, M., Scanlon, D. (2004) Specific reading disability (dyslexia):
what have we learned in the past four decades? The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
44(1), 2-40. https://acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.0021-9630.2003.00305.x